Merrissa Hardy

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The Easiest DIY Moss Pole

I’ve been trying to find a moss pole to help stabilize Majesty, my monstera delisioso, for quite some time now. I couldn’t find any locally so we decided to google how to make one at home. We found this awesome video by The Plant’s Meow, explaining step by step how to do it yourself. A quick run to Lowe’s and we were ready to make our own.

What’s a moss pole anyways? A moss pole is used to provide extra support for plants that like to climb. So it’s ideal for any plant that climbs in their natural habitat, like the monstera or philodendron. The moss pole not only provides support but also moisture.

Supplies you’ll need:

  • Netting

  • Sphagnum moss (you will only need 1 pkg of moss to make 1 pole)

  • Scissors or razor blades

  • Zip ties (you could also use ribbon or trash bag ties or something similar you already have on hand)

  • Optional: a garden stake or dowel rod for extra stability (in this DIY I’m using a dowel rod because it’s what I had at the house but next time I make one I’m going to use a plastic garden stake. I plan to monitor the dowel rod to ensure it’s not rotting/infecting the plant!)

How to:

  1. Decide how big you need your moss pole and cut the netting accordingly. We ended up cutting the netting approximately 8 squares wide, or 6 inches.

  2. Form the netting into a pole-like figure by taking zip ties and loosely fastening together. Make sure not to pull the zip ties tight at this step, we’ll need enough room to stuff with moss.

  3. If you’re using a garden stake or dowel rod for extra stability, insert now and then start adding the sphagnum moss. Pack with moss until it is full and tight.

  4. Start at one end and begin tightening the zip ties. Be extra careful not to pull the ties too hard, otherwise, you might rip the netting! Your moss pole should feel sturdy, if not, try packing more moss into the ends of the netting.

After finishing the pole we simply placed it in the pot, added soil and the pothos, and then misted the moss. It is looking so much livelier, even after cutting several vines off to propagate!

By the time we got around to making this moss pole, we decided to make a small one for a pothos vine that was looking a little drab rather than making it for Majesty the monstera. After much deliberation, we made the difficult decision to propagate Majesty so a moss pole was no longer needed.

I’m excited to see this plant start crawling up the moss pole! Let me know if you try making one of these for your indoor plants!

xx, Riss